Research & Development Center
an August 2016, we opened renewed R&D Center as the place where we can test of the paint coating quality and paint booth performance both together. In the test area, we can simulate the painting for various objects using the paint robot and other equipments under various conditions. Also we can make a study of the specification of customer requirements with our latest technology and actual paint testing. If you would like to visit or test, please feel free to contact the nearest office.
Experiment booth: 2 units
We have new type of paint booth with Micro Bubble method.It can achieve non-adhesive and odor removal of the paint sludge at low energy.
Kami memiliki bilik cat tipe baru dengan metode Gelembung Mikro. Ini dapat menghilangkan lumpur cat tanpa perekat dan bau dengan energi rendah.
We have water scrubber booth. We can test the sludge decomposing by microbes (PBT) with your paint.
Kami memiliki booth scrubber air. Kami dapat menguji pembusukan lumpur oleh mikroba (PBT) dengan cat Anda.
Lab Booth
Vertical Model
Painting robot
We can test such as the efficiency and thickness distribution of the paint coating using this robot and other equipments.The robot is the latest model which is for all painting uses.
Yaskawa Robot
Kawaju Robot